Internal vs. External Cues
Hello everybody! I’ve previously mentioned Gray Cook and some of his thoughts on how the body moves. Today I am going to discuss how his thoughts mixed with those of Douglas Heel relate to cueing a movement. One thing Gray Cook includes in his FMS program is a pyramid that looks like this: His ideas are that we need to install quality movement before reinforcing that movement by increasing performance. Finally once we have a solid base we can properly teach (sport) skill. After I saw this pyramid, I instantly thought about Douglas Heel’s three body zones presented in his Be Activated series. I created a similar pyramid with Heel’s zones, which looked like this: Notice any similarities? These two pyramids are almost talking about the same thing but from two different approaches. Quality movement begins with zone 1. Power (performance) is produced in zone 2, and skill exists in zone 3. This progression also mimics the relationship between a sport coach, strength coach, and the...