How I Approach Injury Prevention
Hello Everybody, Today’s SOAP Note is going to be about injury rates in sports. The field of athletic training is generally moving towards more injury prevention instead of a reaction approach to injuries. The first step in injury prevention is to identify how they happen. I’ve had some recent thoughts I want to share on how and why injuries occur (in a general sense, not a specific mechanism of injury) and my role as an athletic trainer in their prevention. Anytime injury rates are discussed, football always dominates the conversation. Football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, rugby, these are all high contact sports. When it comes to athlete-athlete collisions, injuries are near impossible to prevent. You can build the perfect athlete with no compensation patterns, ideal muscle balances, incredible strength-to-weight ratio, etc. and as soon as that athlete is hit by another those measurables go out the door. A “perfect athlete” may be able to withstand more forces, but...