Does anybody know what Lower-Crossed Syndrome is?
When I was growing up, nobody in my immediate family had much of a medical background. So when I got into athletic training, everything was new and foreign to me as I was learning about the human body. One of the greatest lessons I've learned about the body is how little we actually know! I think this article discussing lower-crossed syndrome (LCS) is a good example of that. Or maybe I just still have a lot to learn, but either way I'd like to start this discussion. Let me start by saying, I know what lower-crossed syndrome is. Well I know what the concept is and I know how the textbook describes it. My confusion lies in the pathology and reasoning for LCS. The textbook definition of LCS goes something like this "Tightness of the thoracolumbar extensors on the dorsal side crosses with tightness of the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. Weakness of the deep abdominal muscles ventrally crosses with weakness of the gluteus maximus and medius." See the image below for clari...